St Peters Outpatients Chairs (£250 a chair)

The seating in the outpatients department at St Peter’s Hospital is very tired and uncomfortable with no provision for high back and bariatric needs. Help us refurbish these vital departments.


Amount Raised:

40 remaining days
Target: £18,000
1 Donations

My story

The seating in the outpatients department at St Peters Hospital is very tired and uncomfortable with no provision for high back and bariatric needs. With your help, we want to replace these with ergonomic, modern, colourful, and comfortable chairs, including high back and bariatric chairs. We are looking for 75 patient chairs to improve both departments and 6 saddle chairs for our nurses who are on their feet all day. This would allow them to work with patients without the need to bend down all the time.

65 Low back patient chairs £12,462.90

10 High back patient chairs £1,337.00

10 Bariatric patient chairs £3,196.00

6 Adjustable height saddle chairs for our nurses £993.50

Avreil Ann Fabb


11/9/23, 12:00 AM